Welcome brothers and sisters. Enjoy your blog-post and gain more knowledge, skills and attitude in this blog of yours. Feel Free to give and provide constructive suggestions, opinions, advice, warnings, and as well as positive criticism and do not forget about creativity. This blog-web is dedicated to my mother and father and is expected to be officially launched on 25th November, 2010 when Dr.Hon. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania will be officially launching the commencement of the University of Dodoma. The University of Dodoma is the craft and brainchild of Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and so he deserves congratulations for his innovative thinking. Let us cherish our own thinking and inborn creativity and take a parable from our president. Let those who care for future of our nation speak boldly:"Embrace Knowledge, and Generate" it as well. Remember in this University, We prepare our students to be job creators rather than job seekers as we have experienced for many years on what our predecessors were doing and are currently doing. We should remember these words: Criticism without playing our part in developmental issues leads to lamentation, blaming, job seeking and laziness, while creativity leads to innovation, discovery, job creation and freedom of mind as well as total independency. Play your part!
1 comment:
1. Authenticate the statement that: demographic dynamics, political instability and economic changes particularly in developing countries, tend to affect educational reform and so should be taken into account during educational planning.
2. “The educational system introduced into Tanzania by the colonialists was modeled on the British system, but with heavier emphasis on subservient attitudes and on white collar skills” (Nyerere, 1967). Substantiate this statement in regard to Tanzanian graduates at the current global labour market. As a prospective educational planner, suggest the best ways to eschew these attitudes in the near future.
3. Educational planning as it is in any other social setting planning and organization is a formalized process. Discuss.
4. Explain the rationality of searching knowledge for planning in education, mainly in developing countries and Tanzania in particular.
5. Discuss the main features and significance of Education Sector Analysis (ESA) for appropriate educational planning in a constrained allocation of educational resources.
6. Explain with appropriate examples the significance of School Mapping techniques in planning education at the micro level i.e. community level of your choice.
7. How would you compare the effect of Structural Adjustment Policy of 1980s as a result of economic recession with recent world economic downturn towards educational reform in Tanzania? What possible policy decisions would you prefer, to stabilize the current education sector reform in Tanzania?
8. With appropriate examples, differentiate the applications of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) in educational planning.
9. The current Secondary Education Development Plan (SEDP) is the reflection of Education and Training Policy (ETP) of 1995. Corroborate.
10. With concrete examples, discuss the idea that the recent expansion of secondary education at the Ward level is a planning intervention against burning cross-cutting issues such as environmental degradation and HIV/AIDS scourge in Tanzania.
11. Explain factors influencing teachers’ supply in planning human resource development for proper educational reform in Tanzania?
12. As a prospective education planner, discuss the effects of population growth for projections of future school enrolment and explain the methods of forecasting school enrolments. What other factors do you think are necessary in forecasting future schools enrolment?
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