Friday, March 27, 2015

Course Outline ME 321

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND POLICY STUDIES ME 321: EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: STRATEGIES, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION (7.5 CREDITS) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is both analytical and descriptive in perspective, specifically designed for third year BED PPM students. The intent of this course is to expose students to various concepts regarding internal processes of the education system. The processes comprise issues such as education sector analysis, education projects elaboration, project cycle, project design, project implementation, project evaluation as well as Planning-Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS). The major focus of the course is to equip students with appropriate theoretical knowledge and technical skills that will enable them to analyze education sector, uncover pressing needs, and reveal serious maladjustments internal to education system that jeopardize education policy-planning both at micro and macro levels. Equipped with such concepts, it is expected that BED PPM graduates will be able to apply: knowledge, skills and attitudes in identifying educational problems and designing appropriate and relevant quantitative educational projects that would ultimately solve educational problems at local and global context. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the course delivery, students should be able to:  Describe and prepare strategic planning for quantitative project implementation  Explain and apply “needs assessment” in project identification and implementation  Analyze education sector related to phases of plan preparation.  Identify educational problems and propose relevant solution.  Describe the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) in programme improvement  Differentiate between monitoring and evaluation of education projects  Define and explain mechanics of planning-programming budgeting system in educational project implementation  Identify emerging educational goals globally and their implications to educational planning in Tanzania. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the study, the graduates are expected to:  Show ability to analyze internal processes of the education sector  Demonstrate ability to apply SWOT analysis and LFM in designing programmes and projects in education.  Demonstrate the skills and ability to design appropriate education projects in solving educational problems  Demonstrate the skills and ability to monitor and evaluate educational projects.  Competitively demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes of education sector analysis, project design, project implementation, project monitoring and evaluation at the labour market in Tanzania and beyond. COURSE OUTLINE  Context of Education sector analysis  Education Projects: elaboration, financing and management  Projects cycle, design and implementation  Project monitoring and evaluation  Planning-programming budgeting system  Emerging educational goals and global issues in educational planning COURSE MODULES AND CONTENTS: Module 1: Education Sector Analysis (4 Weeks: 8 HRS) (i) Sector diagnosis (ii) Policy formulation (iii) Selection of objectives and priority areas (iv) Design of priority programmes (v) Preparation of cost and financing framework (vi) Writing up of a draft plan (vii) Revision of draft and official plan approval Module 2: Education Projects: Elaboration, Financing and Management (4 Weeks: 8 HRS) (i) The role of projects in the planning process (ii) The planning process and projects: The theory (iii) The planning process and projects: Actual reality (iv) Advantages and disadvantages of projects (v) The successive stages of a project (project cycle) (vi) Feasibility criteria of the projects (vii) Identification of education projects (viii) Justification and design of the projects (ix) Preparation of education projects (x) Financing of education projects (implementation) (xi) Management and evaluation of education projects Module 3: Developing Skills of Project Proposal Writing (2 Week: 4 HRS) (i) Project proposal basics (ii) A model of project design (iii) Monitoring and evaluation Module 4: Budgeting in Educational Planning (2 Weeks: 4 HRS) (i) The budget and plan (ii) Capital and recurrent budgets (iii) Types of budgets (iv) Planning-programming budgeting system (the programme budget) Module 5: Emerging Major Educational Goals (3 Weeks: 6 HRS) (i) Sector-wide Approach Processes (SWAPs) in Education (ii) International commitments on educational goals and their implications (iii) The issue of globalization in educational planning (cultural polarization) COURSE EVALUATION The evaluation of this course will comprise seminar presentations, tests and end of semester examination. Tests and examinations are intended to assess and monitor individual capability as opposed to group performance which will be done through seminar presentations and project works. Course work shall carry 40 per cent of the total final marks, while the final examination shall account for 60 per cent of the overall semester marks. COURSE WORK DISTRIBUTION Course work distribution shall be as follows: Seminar presentations and TWO written tests shall be administered by the course instructor before the end of the semester. Seminar presentations, individual tests and project work shall be marked out of 10% marks of the course work. Note: Students shall also be required to do written quizzes and assignments. These will NOT be for course evaluation but for diagnostic, teaching and counseling purposes only. Total Coursework 40% Final Examination 60% Total 100%  Test 1: THURSDAY 2nd APRIL, 2015: (Time 12:00-13:00 Hours).  Test 2: THURSDAY 7th MAY, 2015: (Time, 12:00 – 13:00 Hours)  Submission of Final project work, THURSDAY 16th APRIL, 2015 (Time, 12:00 Hours). CONSULTATION HOURS THURSDAYS: 09:00-16:00 HRS Prepared by Suru, M.H. Course Instructor: College of Education, Administration Block; ROOM NO: 223. References Baker, S. and Baker, K (2000). Project Management Development: Educational Models and Schema. Chicago, Rand McNally & Company. Coombs, P.H. (1970). What is Educational Planning? Paris. UNESCO/IIEP Forojalla, S.B (1993). Educational Planning for Development. New York Macmillan Publishers Limited Guruge, A. and Bestercher, D.G (1977). From Planning to Implementation: Introduction to Educational Programming Techniques. Paris. UNESCO/Regional Office for Education in Asia. Gwang–Chol Chang (2006). National Education Sector Development Plan: A Result-Based Planning Handbook, Paris, UNESCO Haddad, W.D (1995). Education Policy-Planning Process: An Applied Framework. UNESCO/IIEP Kelly, M.J. (2002). Planning for Education in the Context of HIV/AIDS. Paris. UNESCO/IIEP Magnen, A. (1991). Education Projects: Elaboration, Financing and Management. Paris. UNESCO/IIEP Mclntosh, S (2008). Education and Employment. Paris. UNESCO/IIEP. Mosha, H.J. (2006). Planning Education Systems for Excellence. Dar Es Salaam. E&D Limited Skorov, G. (1966). Integration of Educational and Economic Planning in Tanzania. Suru, M. (2013): Educational Projects: Strategies, Implementation and Evaluation. SaarBrücken, Deutschland. OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG UNESCO (2010). Strategic Planning: Techniques and Methods, Working paper. Paris. IIEP UNESCO/IIEP

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